Creating Wealth Podcast Interview

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Jason Hartman, the host of the Creating Wealth podcast recently sat down to interview and Nabers Group CEO Founder, Jeff Nabers.

From Jason: If you are interested in growing your retirement money faster, reducing your risk paying less tax this episode is a must listen. You must align your interests with the financial institutions and the central banks as they are most powerful monetary entities in the world. As you build your income property portfolio you need to put your money in a retirement account which allows you to self-direct your funds without paying high taxes or penalties.

The Solo 401k is a vehicle you can use to defer taxes and manage as a resource. Guest expert, Jeff Nabers, created the complete Solo 401k and designed an online tool so you can calculate possible risks before making major investment decisions.

Jason and Jeff discussed numerous topics, including:

  • Using the leverage of your 20% down on a property increases your power by 500%
  • The 3 main advantages of a Solo 401k
  • The most powerful thing an investor can do is to diversify

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The Solo 401k

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