#Solo401kHero – Meet Nina Elliott of Owings Hills

Today we’d like to introduce you to Nina Elliott, a #Solo401kHero. Here’s Nina’s story:

I majored in German & Russian in college. I got a great job with an international company straight out of school. I worked in the corporate world for 12 years and loved it. I ended up in their training department–I taught customer service & leadership skills. Eventually I worked my way up to a business leader where I worked with technology to create new software and products for our teams and then developed the training for those products.

When the company left me and laid me off, I decided to go full time into another passion of mine–massage! I was already licensed and I quickly got my first job at a ladies gym. Being a massage therapist has been wonderful. I love learning and in the wellness field there is always something new to learn. I practice meditation. I became a yoga instructor. I learned several forms of energy medicine. I have really enjoyed the journey.

What challenges have you overcome as a business owner?

The biggest struggles in my journey of entrepreneurship have been self belief and finding the right support team. 

There is always a bit of doubt as to whether I can do something new and whether it will be successful. 

Thankfully last year I found two coaching programs (1 for wellness, 1 for real estate) that have provided me with mental & emotional support to keep me going as well as logistical support and education on how to make my businesses successful. 

It was through one of these coaching programs that I discovered the possibility of doing a solo401k.

Tell Us About Your Business

Over the years, I have worked in a variety of massage therapy settings, but discovered that in order to treat clients the way I wanted to treat them, I had to have my own business.  So in 2016 I went full time into my own practice. Now, I love using my specialties and skills to help people get out of pain and recover from cancer and other surgeries faster.

I also reconnected to a love for real estate that was ignited 20 years ago, but never fulfilled.  In 2018 I started my own real estate investing business.  People look at me a little funny when I tell them about my 2 businesses–they see them as really different fields.  I see them as 2 different sides of the same coin.  In my wellness business I help people get out of physical & emotional pain; in my real estate business I help them get out of financial & mental pain.  

Both businesses have to do with health–your home is your first place for healthcare.  If your home is not a peaceful, loving, comfortable, non-toxic place, then your physical, mental, and emotional health will not be good!  All of my clients want a safe sanctuary that they can enjoy living in–whether it’s a body or a house 😉 

My work, in both businesses, is to help people create harmony in their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual lives.

What Has Been Your Proudest Moment So Far?

I think my proudest moment is the day I quit being an employee for someone else.  That was a tough decision, but it was right for me and it really lifted a weight off my shoulders.  

Once I made the decision, I immediately felt better.  Once I actually left the job, I realized I had so much more energy.  

One of my favorite moments was at a party when someone asked me what I did for a living–I said “I have fun!”  

I love doing massage and seeing people shocked at the relief they can get that they haven’t felt in years.  I had one women who had had a pain in her back for 20 years, and after one hour long session, it was gone.

I love visiting properties and seeing the potential of what it can be and then figuring out how to get it there.

When Did You Set Up Your Solo 401k?

August 2018!

Why Did You Decide to Set Up A Self-Directed Retirement Plan?

I decided that there are a lot of hidden fees in the stock market that I didn’t want to pay any more. I wanted to have more control over my money, have fees be transparent (I can’t hide them from myself!), and I wanted to invest in real estate.  I’ll still do some stock investing, but not as much

What is Your Favorite Solo 401k Investment So Far?

Real Estate–I bought my first rental property with my solo401k account.

Why Did You Choose Solo401k.com?

The website was easy. I loved the educational information they have available–my goal is to learn more about investing in all areas so that I can make savvy decisions to have my money grow.  

I really liked Rachel and my interactions with her sealed the deal.  

I also liked that Solo401k.com had good information on bitcoin–this is something I really want to invest in.

LinkedIn URL
www.linkedin.com/in/TransformationalPropertySolutions  or www.linkedin.com/in/harmonizingwell

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